Yukon Dan

Hello teachers!

Have Yukon Dan bring his hands-on workshop to your school. Dan will follow the Prescribed Learning Outcomes cirriculumn the teachers focus on with their students from all grade levels. If you're teaching about the Fraser River, Barkerville or Yukon Gold Rushes, Human Resources, Geology, Rocks & Minerals, Pioneer Days, Social Studies or Earth & Science, you'll want to have Dan in your school.

Dan's workshop:

Please talk to your fellow teachers to let them know I'll be at your school and we can arrange a presentation for them as well!

When teachers book Dan through MineralsEd Field Trip Travel Subsidy Application, they can receive a discount of up to 35% off his workshop, which, as an educational presentation, is also tax-free!



Yukon Dan hosts the 2025 Fraser River Gold Panning Championships

Yukon Dan is proud to be hosting the 2025 Fraser River Gold Panning Championships (FRGPC) at the picturesque Tuckkwiowhum Campground in Boston Bar, BC from July 11 - 13, 2025.

Considered to be one of the pre-eminent gold panning events held in Canada, the FRGPC are sure to attract prospectors and enthusiasts from all over the world!


Are you looking for a unique and exciting opportunity to partner with an event that's all about the thrill of the gold rush? Yukon Dan, organizer and host of the annual Fraser River Gold Panning Championship, is seeking sponsors to help make this event the best it can be!

By becoming a sponsor, you'll not only be supporting a fun and engaging event, but you'll also gain exposure to a dedicated audience of gold panning enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

If you're interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please don't hesitate to email Dan at gold@yukondan.com or call him at 604-698-4941.